Dakit-dakit means “big tree” in the local language, Visaya. In the south-eastern point of Pamilacan Island there is a sandy slope decorated with huge trees of black sun coral, soft corals and long wipe corals, and a wall begins at around 25 meters deep. If as usual there is a moderate current, we’ll do a drift dive. The dive site looks like an aquarium, well decorated, full of reef fish around the coral formations. On this dive site we can encounter turtles, schools of barracudas, emperor fish, big mouth mackerel and the big school of jackfish! If the current allows us to go slowly, there’s a great chance to find lots of macro critters as well.
Marine Life:
Look out to the sand where the bluespotted stingray hides, and spot turtles, nudibranch, barracudas, big mouth mackerel, emperor fish, shrimp, unicornfish, sea snakes, frogfish, moray eel, pufferfish, anemonefish, and more.