薄荷潜水 员俱乐 部就在著ྡ的阿 罗纳海滩ୖ 面ࠋ阿罗纳海滩旁有许多美丽的潜水地点 环境,适 合各种潜水的 级别无ࠋ论您选择深潜ࠊ海墙 潜水ࠊ沙地潜水,执是BDC 㸦薄荷岛潜水员俱乐部㸧沉船遗迹潜水,您都 爱ୖ菲律 宾 的水ୗ景色,到达附㏆的潜水点只需几分 钟 船程的 时间 㸸 Arco Point,Garden Eel,Kalipayan (菲律 宾语快乐 的意思) …
等等ࠋ生物的多 样 性将௧你映象深刻,包 括㸸娃娃 鱼,海 马,蓝环章鱼等等许 多ྠ的物种,如果幸㏅的 话,甚至可௨和鲸鲨 来个期而 遇呢!
薄荷岛 最出ྡ的潜水地点,许 多的潜水客都是 为 了巴里卡撒的水ୗ 风 采慕ྡ而来ࠋ从阿 罗 那海 滩 搭乘螃蟹船㸦 Banca 㸧㸦 传统的菲律 宾 船㸧出 发,只需半个小 时 即可到达巴里卡 萨岛 一睹௧人惊 艳 的海底世界ࠋ海 龟杰克ࠊ 鱼风ࠊ暴 砗磲贝等等,在巴里卡萨的海底⺊宝,您将遇见许多௨前很的水生物少见过 或是从未 见过 的水ୗ生物
On our way to Pamilacan Island, on the south, we find a sunken plateau in the middle of the ocean. If the current is not too strong we will do a special dive here! The highlight of the dive is the abundance of black & white banded sea snakes, nudibranchs, bucket sponges, butterfly fish, etc. If you are lucky enough, you can even see whale sharks or manta rays here!
Pamilacan Island is a small coral island on the south-east of Panglao. It is a popular place to see dolphins, small whales, whale sharks, and sometimes even manta rays. The best season to dive here is from March to June.
We will depart around 8 am and on our way to Pamilacan we will make a stop to dive on Snake Island. After the second dive we will have lunch at a local restaurant.